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Office - Sofia, Bulgaria - sbonchev@icloud.com, +359 892 990 970 - contact Stanislav K. Bonchev

Information Security Services:

Due to the sensitivity of our work, we cannot reveal details on methods and practices utilized in assessing information and communication weaknesses. However we can discuss specific issue over the email so we can see how worth is a visit to you and the corresponding expenses on our side associated with it. Therefore, we strongly advise you to follow this short guideline before contacting us:

  1. Be sure you have all data from the labels of your hardware and software.
  2. Write us an email with all corresponding questions and difficulties - the reason to contact us.
  3. Make sure your internet connection to your computer is functioning properly.
  4. After a short, distant assessment we will contact you back with information and price.
  5. In case of need, we will provide you with the phone number of the person qualified and responsible.
  6. Arranging a visit on site, with specific work to be done and established cost per hour.